The extension name, timezone, email address, directory options, area code, and password is managed under the profile settings. To access these settings click on the Profile link in the upper right-hand corner of the portal.

Making Changes

After opening the profile, there are a few different sections where settings can be changed. Each of these are detailed below.

Your first and last name in your profile define your caller ID on internal calls. Your email address defines where any voicemails are sent if you want to receive them that way (you still need to specify this in the message settings). If your company has an audio directory, the "Announce in Audio Directory" option toggles the recording of your name appearing in it. If your company uses a dial-by-name directory, the 'List in Directory' option toggles whether or not you can be searched.

NOTE: Most phones have their own time zone settings that are defined elsewhere in MyTelepath's system or on the phone itself. Because of this, the time zone setting shown above does not have any effect.

The Caller ID that you set, as shown above, determines what number appears when placing calls. Your area code should match this. The 911 Caller ID can not be changed except by administrators. Note that it is normal for a 911 ID to be different from a caller ID; usually, it will be the main number for your company.

You can also change your password in these settings. Make sure to enter your new password in both boxes.

As always, make sure to hit 'save' after making any changes.